Home > Big Data > RTGX announces the addition of two new subcontracts


Baltimore, Maryland — November 24, 2014

Ross Technologies, Inc. (RTGX) announces the addition of two new subcontracts to the company’s portfolio of Department of Defense focused work. RTGX is part of two winning teams that have recently won a single award SETA program in support of the Intelligence Community Mission focused on requirements and acquisition support services. This particular work has been part of the RTGX portfolio of contracts for over ten (10) years and the new work has a base year plus an additional 4 option years.

RTGX has, since inception, focused on a diverse portfolio of services and customers and part of our strategic plan includes the continued expansion of cyber based research and portfolio management for a variety of agencies. Today we have been notified of a second win for our SETA Division as we have been notified that our team has won an IDIQ in support of one of DoD’s preeminent research organizations. The Government customer has awarded multiple indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) performance based contracts that will provide for the issuance of cost-plus-fixed-fee, cost-plus-incentive-fee, and firm fixed price task orders with a one year base and two option years.

The additional wins total 4 new SETA subcontracts this quarter with 3 of the wins being entirely focused on Cyber and Information Assurance research and or Cyber Portfolio Management. RTGX continues to expand work in support of major DoD customers as prime contractor in the areas of data encryption, remote data center management, cyber big data analytics, financial analytics, threat informatics and analytics and enterprise network infrastructure support. RTGX manages the cyber and network infrastructure health and reliability for over 200 sites worldwide and on a 24×7 basis.

Representative customer’s include the Department of State (Cyber Intrusion Detection and Protection), The Department of Transportation Maryland (Cyber Policy and NOC Management), The Department of Defense (Cyber Analytics and High Performance Computing Big Data solutions), The Department of Defense (Data Center Health and Status Monitoring), Major Intelligence Agency (Big Data Analytics (Hadoop, MongoDB, Splunk, Java, Bash and Perl Scripting, Twister, Elastic Search), Department of Defense Research Agency (Cyber Research Portfolio Management), Major Intelligence Agency (Financial Analytics and active visualization), The Department of Defense (Network, Cisco, HBSS, Linux, NetApp, Microsoft SCCM, VoIP, VTC, Cyber Security, Sever Administration, Storage Administration and Architecture), Major Intelligence Agency (Cisco network architecture, Microsoft SCCM, Schneider Electric Data Center Expert, Cyber Lab design and management, Tier III and above support for remote sites worldwide and Cloud Computing)RTGX is a woman owned enterprise founded in 1997 with a global presence and reach that supports both commercial and DoD customers.